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Smart design application for repurposing used building elements


Smart design application for repurposing used building elements


The construction industry accounts for approximately 40 % of the global carbon emissions. We are currently developing a smart design application for architects that aims to support using existing elements in buildings, aiming to reduce the impact of new building on our climate as well as on our biosphere. In addition to rethinking our processes, circular economy solutions need new tools as well.

Our current building stock should be seen as a material bank. The reuse of building parts must be considered already in the early stages of planning, as the choices affecting the carbon footprint of buildings are made very early on in the design process. What if we could use already existing building elements for construction? As architects, we are used to bending materials to our designs. Using existing parts from a variety of sources change the starting point for design – the design needs to adapt to parts. Is your organisation interested in trying out our demo? You can find our contact info here.

Our project Smart design application for repurposing used building elements has received funding from the Low-carbon Built Environment Programme by the Ministry of Environment, funded from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).


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Smart design application for repurposing used building elements


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